Why would I need an attorney to set up my corporation?
There are so many do-it-yourself kits and guides for how to start your own business entity that a lot of small business owners assume that they don’t need a lawyer to help them navigate through this process. Unfortunately, this is one of the times that doing it yourself can end up costing you more in the long run.
Why would it cost me more?
Incorporation documents, or any business entity for that fact, have documents that are compiled through the foundation process.
If you start a business these documents will dictate how you will run your business. If these documents are done incorrectly you could lose all that you have worked so hard to put together. As the parable says if you build your house on the rock, it will not fall during the storm. However, if you build your house on the sand it will easily be swept away.
Having a strong business foundation will help you navigate through any storm and promotes successes.
Having a strong business foundation will help you navigate through any storm and promotes successes.